Healthy Diet Plan Questions

1. When will you begin your new healthy diet plan?

Note: Choosing the right time and day is vital to your success. Every day possess different energy - and while some are excellent for new beginnings, others will only make it difficult and discourage you to continue your path to a healthy lifestyle.
Lunar calendar is coming up soon to help you choose the right day.

2. Will you do it on your own?

Note: My experience shows that it is better to start a new diet plan alone. Beginning is always difficult and it takes time to gain confidence and skill in what you are doing.

Until you start noticing significant results you may easily get distracted and drop out. And who knows – when will you decide to start over again? So begin alone, build good foundation and then help other to change their lifestyles.

3. What food will you eat?

Note: This is one of the major questions so take your time answering it. Think what you love and what you don’t. Make a list of healthy foods that you know and choose the ones that you like the most. Read my healthy eating tips for help. 

4. Do you have unhealthy eating or lifestyle habits?

Note: For example, eating fast food, or smoking. Of course you should try eliminating bad habits, but take your time. If you rush into your new healthy lifestyle and introduce too many radical changes overnight you will be more likely to fail.

Do it gradually – if you eat fast food every day, cut down to 3 times a week for a month, and then to 2 times a week, and so on.

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