If you want to lose weight without going too hungry and without making huge sacrifices, it’s important to have light dinners. Since dinners are the meal of the day that can cause the most weight gain, eating less at night can be very effective in helping you reach your weight loss goals.
That’s why we are going to share a few recipes for light dinners that are simple to make, so you can go to bed without going hungry and slowly lose weight.
Does dinner cause weight gain?
You need to remember that what you eat at night, especially if it’s late and you’re not going to exercise before going to bed, will not be burned and will probably form part of your energy reserves. If these reserves are excessive, they convert into accumulated fat, especially if the foods consumed weren’t the best in quality. These are the ones that leave you satiated but that are not easily digested.
The importance of time
Just as important as what you eat, is the time at which you chose to eat. Dinner is early in some European countries, before 6 pm, and then later they eat something light. It’s just the opposite in other countries, in which a snack is eaten in the afternoon, and then dinner isn’t eaten until 9 or 10 at night. It’s best to eat before 8 pm to give yourself enough time to completely digest (of course this also has to do with what time you usually go to sleep). If you go to bed early and you are hungry once again, you could always eat a fruit or drink an infusion.
Dinner balance
A light dinner doesn’t mean that you need to eat lettuce with a tomato. Although you want to lose weight, if you want to do so in a balanced fashion your dinner needs to contain carbohydrates (vegetables, fruit or grains) and protein. That’s why these recipes contain the exact amount that you need.
Vegetable creams
Vegetable creams are very digestive, satiating and easy to prepare, as well as nourishing. You can vary the vegetables that you use according to the season, and you can find different combinations to make them more original:
That’s why we are going to share a few recipes for light dinners that are simple to make, so you can go to bed without going hungry and slowly lose weight.
Does dinner cause weight gain?
You need to remember that what you eat at night, especially if it’s late and you’re not going to exercise before going to bed, will not be burned and will probably form part of your energy reserves. If these reserves are excessive, they convert into accumulated fat, especially if the foods consumed weren’t the best in quality. These are the ones that leave you satiated but that are not easily digested.
The importance of time
Dinner balance
A light dinner doesn’t mean that you need to eat lettuce with a tomato. Although you want to lose weight, if you want to do so in a balanced fashion your dinner needs to contain carbohydrates (vegetables, fruit or grains) and protein. That’s why these recipes contain the exact amount that you need.
Vegetable creams
Vegetable creams are very digestive, satiating and easy to prepare, as well as nourishing. You can vary the vegetables that you use according to the season, and you can find different combinations to make them more original:
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